Circles and Grids
The materials and imagery in these paintings grew out of my experiences playing on the pages of my sketchbooks. The concepts for each of the paintings stem from my meditations, writings, readings, and personal thoughts and focus. I began these canvases by using some of the Elements (shapes, materials, techniques, and collage pieces) that came together on the pages of a concertina sketchbook.
Portals of Joy
These paintings are created in joy, with a focus on joy, and with the intention of putting more joy out into the world. Each painting has a quote about Joy embedded into the background of the design, under the paint, present yet not readable. The grid of colors represents us as individuals but part of the whole. And the presence of the circular shape represents the wholeness, oneness, and unity that we all share, beyond the illusion of what we are seeing in the outside world.
Prints and Products of this series are available at