Creative Process

When the Sketchbook Became My Playground

100 Day Project: Music Writing in Sketchbook

The sketchbook has played various roles in my life over the years. On some days it would hold thumbnail ideas, lists of materials and techniques to explore, or creative brainstorms. On others, it acted more as a journal, holding space for deep emotional sharing. However, it had never played an intricate part in my artistic process… until the day I found myself Music Writing. 

Music Writing on painted sketchbook page

Suddenly, the sketchbook pages became the space for fully immersing myself in the new process. It was on a sketchbook page that I first stumbled upon the Music Writing. After that, I filled page after page with this new manner of mark making.  

I started with Rachmaninoff’s Rhapsody on a Theme by Paganini, repeating it’s musical passages over and over, observing any similarities in the marks created with each repetition. I was enthralled by the process and fell in love with what I saw and experienced on every page. The process of combining art with my most cherished pieces of music, left me entranced.

Music Writing sketchbook page with paint and collage

The Music Writing was primarily developed in my sketchbooks. They became the stage for exploring, experimenting, and playing with different pieces of music, painted backgrounds, and collaged elements. Before filling a canvas with the marks related to any piece of music, I would first create a trial run on a sketchbook page (or pages). This allowed me to view how the marks might appear and the opportunity to experience the movement of my pencil in hand in response to the notes of the music.

For the first time, the sketchbook truly became my creative playground. 

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Music Writing - A Process in Progress

“Rhapsody” - the first completed painting on canvas with Music Writing.

One of the great things about being an artist is the ability to experiment with new techniques, tools, and materials. When a spark of an idea lights me up it is easy to go with the flow and play with it. I can dive right in to give it my time and attention. Often, a simple action can lead to a whole new creative direction.

That’s exactly what happened in May of 2023. I stumbled upon a new process leading to a journey of playful experimentation, and filling my heart with delight. It all began while drawing to music, directly onto a blank canvas. The objective was to create pencil marks that would express the energy of the music as a foundation for the layers of paint (with the possibility of some marks showing through).

Then a thought occurred to me… what if I tried drawing to the same music, but this time in a sketchbook instead of on canvas? By following that thread of an idea, a whole new technique presented itself. Day after day, page after page, I filled the studio with music and loaded up the sketchbook with a drawing process I refer to as, Music Writing.

Sketchbook page: Day 1 of Music Writing

So, What is Music Writing?
While listening to a piece of music, I draw marks to just about every note that’s played as if I’m writing down the music… almost like taking dictation. Over time, and a whole lot of practice, I have found that very specific marks show up again and again. It’s my own musical shorthand. This process has taken me on a passionate journey of merging art with the classical music pieces I treasure most.

“Inspired Expression” painting detail with Music Writing.

I have often thought that in a fantasy other life, I would have enjoyed conducting an orchestra. It seems like the ultimate immersive musical experience, to connect with the energy, power, and beauty of every note. Music Writing magically entered my life, providing a similar connection, one more aligned with who I am and what I do.

A Series in Development… Immersed in this exhilarating new direction, I allowed myself to embrace the experience and creative flow. Exploration and experimentation became my primary focus with the sketchbooks as my playground. 

“Fire Dance” painting detail with Music Writing.

As a series began to take shape, Music Writing covered the surface of each canvas for the initial layer, in pencil. This was followed by layers of paint inspired by the same musical composition, and allowing bits of the pencil marks to show through. Once the painting was near completion, a final layer of Music Writing added the finishing touch. 

“Symphony of Soul” painting detail with Music Writing.

After completing several paintings, I became curious about how I might incorporate cloth layers alongside the Music Writing. Since then, I have played with a variety of methods for adding cloth… although, recently I have felt a tug to return to the simplicity of using only paint and pencil on canvas.

In upcoming blogposts, I will share how the sketchbook supported me in developing this process, as well as how Music Writing showed up in my other creative projects. It quickly became clear that when any of my artwork lacked Music Writing, it felt incomplete, as if something vital was missing. 

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Power of Inspiration: How Music Fuels My Art

When the Sketchbook Became My Playground

Following Life’s Bread Crumbs

Our lives are filled with a series of choices. Sometimes the next step appears so very fuzzy and unsure… whether to go this way or that. Then there are those fabulous moments of clarity, when we feel a clear and definitive YES. I like to think of those moments as bread crumbs, specifically placed along our life’s journey. When we follow the nudges of our heart we are opening ourselves up to the gifts that have been placed here for us. They move us forward with experiences, lessons, and often opportunities for personal growth, joy, and delight. When we act upon a “hell yes” feeling, it is like activating a stepping stone that helps carry us more directly down our individualized path.

We take those steps with trust, not knowing where they will lead, as we follow what feels right. A path lined with clear YES’ becomes an adventure having the power to light us up and fill us with exquisite energy. Oh, what a journey it can be when we connect to the longings of our soul and travel the path set before us. It’s like an amazing and scrumptious banquet laid out before us, even if we can only see one delight at a time. And once we have partaken of the dish before us, another one appears, as if we have been gifted with the next course to delight our tastebuds with joy.

There is something magical in living life by following the guidance of our soul. That guidance shows up as longings of the heart and can feel like taps on the shoulder, spirit nudges, and tugs. And little miracles begin to show up in our lives, but the breadcrumbs themselves can be seen as miracles in themselves.

Enjoy the journey of discovery in following the bread crumbs of your own life, one step at a time, one YES at a time.

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Experiencing Joy in the Unknown

For the past year, I have been in one of those special places as an artist. I’m referring to the experience of beginning something totally new and not knowing where it will lead. It’s very much like the beginning stages of falling in love and just getting to know one another. Every moment is special and you don’t know how the future will unfold but you are immersed in the delight and energy of what the relationship is right now.  

I have been in a state of wonder as I’ve explored a new process and a new way of working. It’s been exhilarating and something I’ve wanted to keep mostly private, with very little sharing, as I develop and settle into this creative flow without rushing it at all. 

And in the process of discovery, questions arise: Will any of the past creative methods overlap with the new? Is it possible for this joyful flow to end up as a short lived series or something so much more? Will this be shared more widely or will my artistic love affair remain a gift for me alone?

This is what I know: I don’t need to have any of the answers. The joy is in the process of the creative unfolding, and I have no need to rush it. It’s a journey to be present each step along this path of discovery. I’m interested in the process as it develops, not the results. Much of my delight is in the wonder of where it will take me and where I will take it. And most importantly, I’m in love with the exploration of the Creative Adventure I have found myself on.

One of the joys of creating art is to get an idea or concept and to bring it to life… to make something that was just a thought and breathe it into existence.