creativity book

Art Podcast Interviews


Recently, I was a guest on two different art podcasts. Here, you will find a bit of information on each, along with links to access the interviews.

EPISODE: MAY 4, 2023

I had a thoroughly enjoyable experience, connecting with Caroline Karp on the Behind the Art Inspiration Podcast. This 20 minute episode began with a focus on my chapter in the Amazon best seller, The Creative Lifebook. I shared some of the background behind the process I wrote about, “Charting a New Path,” in my section of the book.

You have a choice of listening to our conversation on Spotify or watching it on YouTube. I feel like we covered a lot of ground in these 20 minutes.



It was a joy to chat with Dawn Bove and Lynn Mazzoleni for the Art Infused Life Podcast. During this hour long conversation, I shared many details about my painting process, what inspires me, and how I get the ideas and concepts that make their way onto the canvas.

You can listen to the full chat, (Episode 14) on Spotify and Apple podcasts. In case you need to know the date the episode became available, it was on April 20th.


Promoting Creative Thinking Through Curiosity

The Inquisitive Mind - An Exercise

How to Think like Leonardo da Vinci by Michael Gelb

How to Think like Leonardo da Vinci by Michael Gelb

In “How to Think like Leonardo da Vinci,” Michael Gelb suggests generating a list of 100 questions on anything that comes to mind.

Although it seemed like a tedious task, I got comfortable with my journal and pen and wrote and wrote and wrote. I found that the process provided some wonderful surprises. As I continued to write, I became more wowed by the wonders of our natural environment, the workings of the human body and the way we interact with one another. The miracles of everyday life became magnified and a sense of awe grew.

Questions came to mind that I have not pondered since childhood. (like…How does a bird have the ability to fly?) And after the first 75 or so, I found that the questions seemed to have more depth and meaning.

At the end of this exercise I was very thankful for all that I have, for what I see, for who I am, and to be experiencing life in a world with so many wonders.

(This post was originally published on August 2014 in the Shared Easel Blog .)