Re-Word Concertina Sketchbook
Here’s a look at my recently completed RE-WORDS concertina sketchbook, produced on canvas. This book is centered around the theme of RE-Words. Early in the year, my 2020 seemed to be one of redo, rework, recreate, and recover. As 2020 has developed into a year like no other, more and more words keep showing up. (reopen, reconnect, retreat, revise, restart)
Pages 1 & 2 of Re-Word Concertina
In creating this book, I had a few objectives in mind: to create two page spreads rather than individual pages, to combine circular elements with linear shapes, and to spread the RE-WORDS throughout. And most importantly, to create a concertina sketchbook on raw canvas with textures, threads, and frayed edges. (I’ve used cloth, papers, ink, acrylic, with threads and text on raw canvas for this book.)
Pages 3 & 4 of Re-Word Concertina
The process of working on the book became an interesting journey and a means of processing all that was happening out in the world, as I sheltered in place in my studio.
During 2020:
I’ve had to REVISE my plans for the year.
I’m REASSESSING everything.
I’ve spent time RECREATING work from the past.
I’m RECOVERING from the losses experienced in the past year.
I am RE-IMAGINING what life may be like moving forward.
I’ve been REDIRECTING my creative energies and focus.
I’m REMAKING my life under new circumstances.
I can’t help but REFLECT on where I’ve been in the past few months, the state of the world now, and how it compares to different times, in different ages.
I question what of the past is best to let go of and what we will be able to RECLAIM in the future.
I’m REALIZING that this book will not satisfy my need to explore these words. I’ve already begun working on a Re-Words painting.
I wonder what the effects will be once businesses REOPEN.
What will the tapestry of life look like once we RE-THREAD it?
How soon will I be comfortable to really RECONNECT with friends and family?
RESTART is the first word appearing on page one and the last word on the final page of the book. Each day and each project becomes a RESTART.
As I look towards the future and the path forward, after these days of sheltered in place, we will need to REBOOT our lives, RESTORE what is possible and what makes sense, and REBOUND as best as we can... hopefully, in a kind, compassionate, and healthy way.
Pages 5 & 6 of Re-Word Concertina
A concertina book can become a mini series of pieces, all connected as one attached progression. And I love working in a series and I’ve loved working on this book. I can definitely see myself doing more books in the future, on raw canvas. This is where I’m at home... with the textures, threads, and the frayed edges of the canvas.
I’m sure most of you have had your own 2020 reasons to revise, reassess, reflect, etc. I wish you health and safety and the ability to experience the future as a fresh and positive RESTART.
Pages 7 & 8 of Re-Word Concertina
Above I’ve shown them as the two page spreads… And here they are as individual pages, the cover and all 8 pages: