
Power of Inspiration: How Music Fuels My Art

What inspires you? What zings you?

Inspiration is a powerful force that sparks creativity, ignites ideas, and moves us toward meaningful action. It can lead to moments of clarity, personal growth, and unlimited possibilities. By paying attention to what excites and energizes you, you open the door to self-expression and fulfillment.

For me, inspiration has been a guiding light throughout my life, especially with music. Classical music, in particular, has been deeply intertwined with my creative journey. From childhood, it has moved me, accompanied me in the studio, and influenced multiple painting series. Nearly two years ago, music led me to an unexpected breakthrough—transforming the way I create. While drawing to music, I discovered a new process, a fresh method, and an exhilarating creative flow.

When you follow your inspiration, you tap into your true potential. It encourages you to explore new ideas, step outside your comfort zone, and cultivate a mindset of growth. Each moment of inspiration is an opportunity for self-discovery—uncovering hidden possibilities, sparking passions, and refining skills that propel you forward.

Music continues to shape my artistic expression. It carries me on emotional journeys, inspires movement, and becomes an unseen collaborator in my work. Many of my recent paintings have been directly inspired by the classical pieces that have stirred my heart for years—the ones that move me to tears, stop me in my tracks, and often show up on auto-play in my mind before I even wake up. This deep connection has influenced nearly all of my artwork over the past 21 months.

In the coming weeks, I’ll be sharing images of my paintings, sketches, and process, as well as reflections on how music has shaped my work. In an upcoming blog post, I’ll delve into my music inspired process and more on how this journey began and has developed.

What role does music play in your life? What inspires you to create?

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Inspiration Set in Stone

I have often said that inspiration can be found anywhere and everywhere… but I can now say that some places hold more creative offerings than others. Traveling down the Colorado River, through the Grand Canyon, was just that. In every moment, anywhere I looked there were visual WOW’s.

For 16 days, there was a continuous deluge of wonders to take in… of the sights, sounds, and experiences that the river and canyon offered up. It was a journey that can’t be compared to any I have ever experienced. It has been three weeks since returning home but the river and the magnificent rock walls have not left me (and may never leave). I now carry them with me, or maybe a piece of me is still in the Canyon. 

The greatest inspiration came from the massive rock walls. There was a constant and fascinating stream of intricate formations, textures, lines, cracks, and colors to be found in the stone. Their beauty often brought me to tears.

Looking at the rocks up close was mesmerizing… the shapes and details, and how one or more types of stone would be imbedded within another. Stunning!! Everywhere I looked I found inspiration

Having seen the Grand Canyon from it’s river view, I don’t know if I can ever return to the rim. It would only make me long to be on the river again.

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