We come into the world with the desire and ability to create. It’s apparent in our imaginations, daydreams, ability to problem solve, and in our sense of play. Creativity is an innate force. Just watch the way children become immersed in their personal fantasies, dragging every nearby friend and inanimate object into their story. The foundation for this has been set before we take shape in a body. It’s natural for us to crave a connection with our creative spirit.
Mixed media painting in process.
Creativity can be expressed in every aspect of our lives not just in an artistic endeavor. As individuals, we choose whether to cultivate that creativity and how we do so.
However you choose to exercise your creativity, you can use the list below to spark ideas for a personal creative adventure. Dance or move, paint, draw, or collage, vocalize or compose music, garden or landscape, cook or bake, sculpt or build, sew or embroider.
Inspiration can be found everywhere, at any time, and in any form. You don’t know when or where inspiration will present itself. All that’s needed is to be open to the gifts that present themselves...in any moment. Anything can spark a creative idea. Anything can inspire creative exploration… a word, a single leaf, the flight of a bird, the colors of the trees against a clear blue sky, the light of a full moon shining on the landscape.
I hope the list below will help generate ideas as prompts for your creativity:
1. I’ll start with the simplest of all… Day Dream. Let your imagination run wild. See where it leads you.
Shadows are a great source of creative inspiration.
2. Notice the shadows, lines, shapes and colors right outside your front door or wherever you look.
3. Patterns found in nature. If you can’t find this outside your home then search for images online.
4. As you walk down the street, notice the way the angles of the buildings show up against the sky, may trigger an idea.
5. An interesting sentence or phrase, in a song or conversation, could stand out and inspire an entire short story, novel, or painting.
6. Idioms are wonderful creative triggers. Choose one that strikes your fancy and let it inspire you. Here are just a few to get you started: Water under the Bridge, The Ball is in Your Court, It’s a Small World, Keep an Eye on Him, Go Out on a Limb. The link above has a long list of idioms in alphabetical order.
7. Song titles can be very descriptive and offer a spark of inspiration. You could search for song lists on a specific subject, or top 100 songs in any given year. In writing this post I stumbled upon a list of songs with ridiculous titles. (They are actual songs!!)
8. Whenever you would like a creative boost, read a poem you resonate with… either from a book of poetry you have at home or from an online search. You might consider reading one poem each day for inspiration. With poetry, you enter the mind of the poet and see the world through their eyes.
9. Do people listen to radios anymore? This used to be one of my favorite ways to collect bits and pieces that might fit together in an interesting way. By turning the dial on your radio, you hear brief moments of broadcasting on each station. One or more of those snippets of music, lyrics, and conversation may become puzzle pieces to inspire a creative project. Now-a-days, it’s more likely that changing the TV channels would be more effective.
Creative inspiration can be found wherever you are. This was an exterior wall to an old weathered building. Looks like abstract art.
10. Search online for visual or written creative triggers by typing any word, phrase, or sentence into the search field. You never know what you might find. Don’t just rely on the first browser page that comes up. Check out what’s on the third page.
11. Visit a site like CreativityPortal.com which posts daily images with text, as prompts to inspire writing, art, and creative projects. You may choose to visit their site every day for a new prompt — 365 days a year. And they have an Imagination Prompt Generator with a line of text as a story starter or creative spark. Don’t like the prompt that shows up? Then refresh the page and a new one pops up.
12. Pinterest is a wealth of images on any subject. But be warned, it’s easy to lose track of time when you’re exploring that site. And while you are there, check out my WendyArtsStudio at Pinterest account.
13. Children’s picture books can be a great way to spark your creative flow. Check out my blog post - Inspiration: Children’s Books.
14. And keep a notebook or journal to record the abundance of creative sparks you come across during the day. Record the words, thoughts, quotes, poems, phrases, images, and more that zing you and are likely to motivate you to create.
JUST Create!!! Keep tools and materials easily accessible so you can play and explore. No need to hold back. This experience is for you. Create anything at any time for the pure joy of creating. Have fun!!
Note: This list was written with the understanding that the majority of people are currently sheltered at home. So I have left out a number of creative resources like the library which is one of my favorite places for developing new ideas. Once we are out and about I will plan to add another post.